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Donate Money

Your Support Means
$1 = 2 Meals

Every dollar you can give can provide two meals for Alaskan families who are facing hunger.
Portrait of Yupik Native Alaskan Girls

Make a Gift

Check presentation at Fred Meyer on Abbott in Anchorage

Request a Check Presentation

At Food Bank of Alaska, we love celebrating generosity! A check presentation is a great way to recognize your business, organization, or community group for making a meaningful impact in the fight against hunger. It’s also an opportunity to highlight your support publicly and inspire others to give.

If you’d like to schedule a check presentation, please email us! We’re happy to coordinate a time and location that works for you!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a donation?

You can give in three easy ways:

  • Online – Make a one-time or monthly donation securely on our website
  • By Phone – Call our Development Assistant, Jessica Struempler, at 907-222-3114 to donate or update your sustaining gift
  • By Mail – Send a check to Food Bank of Alaska, 2192 Viking Dr, Anchorage, AK 99501
Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes! Food Bank of Alaska is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. You will receive a receipt for your records.

Is my donation secure?

Yes. Food Bank of Alaska uses compliant, industry-standard encryption and security measures through our PCI DSS-compliant payment processor to protect your personal and financial information.

Can I set up a recurring monthly donation?
Absolutely! Monthly giving provides reliable support for Alaskans facing hunger. You can set up a recurring gift online through our secure donation page.
Can I donate in honor or memory of someone?

Yes! You can dedicate your donation to a loved one during the online giving process. If you'd like us to notify them or their family of your donation, please provide the recipient's name and address in the "Tribute" fields.

Where does my donation go?

Every dollar you donate helps provide two meals to Alaskans in need. Your support allows us to distribute food to over 150 partner agencies across the state, including food pantries, meal programs, and shelters.

Food Bank of Alaska maximizes every dollar to fight hunger efficiently. Thanks to bulk purchasing discounts, we can stretch donations further.

  • Unless specified otherwise, unrestricted funds support operations, food purchases, including Thanksgiving Blessing
  • 94.67% of all funds go directly toward our programs
  • View more details in our Annual Report

Additionally, Food Bank of Alaska follows the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Donor Bill of Rights, ensuring transparency, ethical fundraising, and donor trust. This means you have the right to know how your donation is used, receive prompt acknowledgment, and have your information handled with confidentiality.

For questions, please reach out.

Do you accept employer matching gifts?

Yes! Many companies match employee donations, doubling your impact. Check with your employer or contact us for assistance in submitting a matching gift request.

How do I know if you received my gift?

If you donate online, you’ll receive an email confirmation immediately. If you donate by mail, we’ll send a thank-you letter once we process your donation. For any concerns, view our Gift Acknowledgement Policy or contact Jessica Struempler at 907-222-3114.

How can my business or organization present a donation check?

We love celebrating generosity! If you'd like to schedule a check presentation, email us at development@foodbankofalaska.org, and we’ll coordinate a time and location that works for you.

How can I opt out of future mailings?

We respect your preferences! To opt out of fundraising mail, email development@foodbankofalaska.org or call 907-222-3114. Please allow a few weeks for processing.

  • Charity Navigator
  • BBB Torch Awards

Food Bank of Alaska is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN # 92-0072175.
Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

View our Gift Acceptance Policy and Privacy Policy.

Prefer to mail your donation? Please mail your check to:
Food Bank of Alaska
2192 Viking Dr
Anchorage, AK 99501