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Child and Adult Care Food Program

Nutritious Meals for Kids in Afterschool Programs
Every child deserves access to nourishing food that helps them learn, grow, and thrive. The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) ensures that children 18 and under have access to healthy meals and snacks at afterschool programs across Alaska.

Food Bank of Alaska partners with local organizations to sponsor CACFP sites, providing meals and activities that support children’s well-being. The program runs during the school year and transitions to the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) during summer break.



Frequently Asked Questions

For Families and Caregivers
What is the Child and Adult Care Food Program?

CACFP is a USDA program that provides nutritious meals and snacks to children in after-school programs, child care centers, and emergency shelters. Food Bank of Alaska sponsors meal sites to ensure children have access to healthy food when school meals aren’t available.

Who can receive meals through CACFP?

Children 18 and under can receive meals at participating CACFP sites during designated meal times. Meals are provided at no cost, and no registration is required—just visit a site during serving hours.

Where can I find a CACFP meal site?

You can view the list of current CACFP meal sites on this page. New sites are added as they become available, so check back for updates.

Does CACFP run during the summer?

CACFP operates only when schools are in session. During summer break, it transitions to the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), which provides free meals to children at participating sites.

Father holding onto his son and smiling

Resources for CACFP Meal Sites

If your organization participates in CACFP through Food Bank of Alaska, use these forms to help keep your site running smoothly:

Alaska Kids

Interested in Becoming a CACFP Site?

Community partners play a key role in ensuring children have access to healthy meals. If your organization is interested in becoming a CACFP meal site with Food Bank of Alaska, find the required forms and application below: