Food Bank of Alaska sponsors At-Risk Afterschool CACFP sites, providing meals and activities to children 18 and under during designated meal service hours. The CACFP program operates only when local schools are in session. During summer break, it is replaced by the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) until the new school year begins.

Interested in Accessing a CACFP Program?

View our list of sites below, and check back for updates as new locations become available.

Site NameAddressOpen DaysMeal Start TimeMeal End Time
Hoonah Youth Center299 Harbor Dr., Hoonah, AK 99829Monday-Friday2:30pm5:00pm

    Current CACFP Sites

    If your site is participating in the CACFP under the sponsorship of Food Bank of Alaska, please use the following operational and meal count reporting forms to support the efficient operation of your program.

    Applying for Sponsorship of a CACFP Site

    If you’re interested in opening a CACFP site under the sponsorship of Food Bank of Alaska, please find all the necessary forms and the application here.