Key partnerships play an active role in the fight to end hunger in Alaska. Coalition building allows us to bring diverse voices to the table in a coordinated effort to fight hunger in Alaska. Those working directly with Alaskans have unique expertise on what is happening on the ground, and how best to support Alaskans in need – we call these folks the true experts, or grasstops advocates.
We provide different opportunities for coalition members to come together to network, including monthly teleconferences, the annual meeting in Juneau, and AFC Manager visits. In addition to using these opportunities to work together, it is also a chance to debrief and spend time with others who understand both the challenges and rewards of our work.
We pride ourselves on having broad representation across many sectors. This includes State and Federal organizations, Alaska Native organizations, Faith-based organizations, Non-profits, and more. Here is a short list of some of our coalition members:
- Upper Susitna Food Pantry
- Kenai Peninsula Food Bank
- Providence Alaska Foundation/Family Medicine Residency
- State of Alaska Division of Education and Early Development
- Helping Hands Food Pantry, Tok
- Bristol Bay Native Association
- NeighborWorks Alaska
- Alaska Children’s Trust
- American Heart Association
- Alaska Food Policy Council
- Alaska Farmer’s Market Association